many windows

Case Study 3: Window Functions as a Bottleneck in Data Aggregation

In this case study, we are focusing on the processing task of our Databricks job. This task is the most CPU intensive and time consuming component in the data pipeline and our underlying infrastructure becomes more vulnerable when being exposed to increasing data volumes in result. We will focus on how a shift from traditional row-based processing methods to more advanced array-based operations has helped to mitigate bottlenecks in data partitioning and processing large datasets. The improvements introduced have shifted execution to leverage SQL transformations on arrays rather than relying on computationally expensive window functions.


In our previous pipeline, we encountered several bottlenecks and inefficiencies in an aggregation step. Upon inspecting the job cluster metrics, we noticed excessive disk spilling and memory usage. These inefficiencies stemmed from heavy reliance on row-based window functions and poor data partitioning and the challenges to be solved included:

inc_window = Window.partitionBy("id").orderBy("subId")`
full_window = inc_window.rowsBetween(Window.unboundedPreceding, Window.unboundedFollowing)

Challenges & Solutions

Window functions are a powerful feature in Apache Spark that allows for the computation of values across partitions. However, when used improperly, they can become a significant performance bottleneck. Our transition from a window-based processing approach to an array-based strategy, alongside improvements in data partitioning, addressed several key performance challenges that we previously faced. Below is a breakdown of these challenges and the corresponding solutions.

(1) Heavy reliance on window functions:

In our previous approach, we extensively used window functions to generate new attributes for each row across large datasets, which then served as intermediate variables for further processing. Our computations required a full unbounded window and were particularly costly, as they required scanning entire partitions, leading to performance degradation.

We replaced most window functions with array-based operations. Data were grouped by matching unique IDs into arrays using collect_list, and then sorted and filtered through array-based transformations (array_sort, filter, etc.). This allowed multiple rows to be processed in a single pass, minimizing computational overhead and improving performance.

(2) Inefficient data partitioning and shuffling:

Without explicit repartitioning, the data were poorly distributed across Spark workers, leading to excessive shuffling. This inefficiency slowed down operations such as window functions, joins, and aggregations. As a result of the subsequent grouping, we explicitly repartitioned the data by their matching unique IDs before any significant transformations or joins were performed. This ensured that data were evenly distributed across nodes, reducing the need for costly shuffling and improving the locality of operations. Although repartitioning introduces some shuffling time, overall, the result was a meaningful reduction in execution time and better use of cluster resources.

(3) Performance overheads in joins and unions:

As a nice side effect, our new approach with the explicit partitioning also helped streamlining the process, leading to more efficient joins and unions with less resource consumption, which would otherwise increase latency with data frequently shuffled across nodes.

(4) Redundant row-based computations:

The array-based processing performs operations like sorting, filtering, etc. on groups of data, rather than repeatedly computing values for different rows within the same partition. The application of these calculations on the array level avoids redundancy and minimizes the number of required computations, which positively impacted memory consumption.

However, when using Spark SQL window functions with unbounded ranges on large DataFrames, the impact on memory can be significant. Unbounded windows (e.g., ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW) require Spark to hold all relevant rows within the partition in memory simultaneously to perform calculations. This became problematic for us with large datasets, as the memory consumption grew substantially, leading to out-of-memory errors or excessive disk spilling.

Such memory pressure not only increases the risk of job failures but also slows down execution due to frequent garbage collection processes and the need for Spark to spill data to disk. To avoid these inefficiencies, it is crucial to either use bounded windows where appropriate or to pre-aggregate data into smaller, manageable chunks before applying window functions, ensuring that memory usage remains within acceptable limits and performance is optimized.

(5) Complicated schema fixing and column selection:

At the end of this task, we had to enforce a certain DataFrame schema and had to select and fix specific columns after the window operations, leading to potential schema mismatches and increased complexity. While these operations remained similar in both approaches, the reduced complexity in the data preparation steps and additional transformation flow ensures fewer schema issues and less overall overhead.

Quantitative Impact

The transition from row-based processing using window functions to array-based groupBy operations resulted in substantial improvements in shuffle read and write volumes, as well as a reduction in memory and disk spills. The following tables summarize the key metrics and provide a comparison between the two approaches.

Table 3: Window-based processing summary, (*) aborted halfway through

Metric Active Executors Dead Executors Total Executors
Shuffle Read 5.5 TiB 189.7 GiB 5.7 TiB
Shuffle Write 8.4 TiB 208.2 GiB 8.6 TiB
Input Data 172.7 GiB 26.1 GiB 198.8 GiB
Task Time (*) 116.8 h (21 min) 3.1 h (1.3 min) 119.9 h (22 min)

Table 4: Group-based processing summary, (*) aborted halfway through

Metric Active Executors Dead Executors Total Executors
Shuffle Read 752.4 GiB 454.6 GiB 1.2 TiB
Shuffle Write 751.1 GiB 455.9 GiB 1.2 TiB
Input Data 240 GiB 164.2 GiB 404.3 GiB
Task Time 133.5 h (2.2 h) 110.6 h (1.9 h) 244.2 h (4.1 h)

Table 5: Window-based summary for 200 tasks

Metric Min Median Max
Duration 7.2 min 15 min 24 min
Spill (memory) 44.1 GiB 58.5 GiB 62.1 GiB
Spill (disk) 10.9 GiB 14.5 GiB 15.5 GiB

The switch from window-based to group-based processing led to a significant reduction in shuffle volumes. Shuffle read decreased from 5.7 TiB to 1.2 TiB, indicating a 79% decrease (4.75x reduction). Similarly, shuffle write was reduced from 8.6 TiB to 1.2 TiB, marking an 86% decrease (7.17x reduction). These reductions highlight the improved efficiency in data partitioning and minimized inter-node data transfers. Furthermore, while window-based processing faced substantial memory and disk spills, with a median spill of 58.5 GiB for memory and 14.5 GiB for disk, no spilling was observed during group-based processing.

On to the next Case Study 4: Transitioning from User Defined Functions to Scalable Spark-Based Solutions.